What is zoom authentication
What is zoom authentication

what is zoom authentication

You have been already invited by the host, please check your mailbox for the invite.

what is zoom authentication

Should they try to register, they will see the following message: If you require registration to attend your meeting, they will not need to register. If your meeting has a Waiting Room turned on, the guests will be put in the Waiting Room. Click Save to save the Authentication Exceptions.There is not a way to add guests in bulk at this time (see Additional Information below)

what is zoom authentication

  • Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each guest you want to invite.
  • To remove a guest later and render the link they received invalid, click the X next to the guest's entry.
  • If the guest loses the email, you can resend it by navigating to this section and clicking the envelope icon next to the guest's entry.
  • They must either use this unique link OR be logged in to Zoom under an account with the same email address that you enter here This will trigger an email to that email address with a unique link.
  • Enter the full name and email address of the guest.
  • Go back to #2 and make sure to click Edit All Occurrences.
  • Don't see this option? This is likely because you are trying to edit one instance of a recurring meeting, which you cannot do.
  • Click Add next to Authentication Exception just below the drop-down.
  • In the Security section, make sure Require authentication to join is checked and that University of Michigan Users shows in the drop-down.
  • If you are prompted with a pop-up that asks whether you want to "Edit This Occurrence" or "Edit All Occurrences," click Edit All Occurrences, but make sure to remove the Authentication Exception after it is no longer needed to revoke access so that there is not a security risk for future occurrences of the meeting.
  • Create a new meeting by clicking Schedule a New Meeting in the upper right, OR navigate to an existing meeting by finding the meeting in the Upcoming Meetings list, hovering over it, and clicking Edit.
  • This feature is not yet available through Canvas or Blackboard, but you can see and edit Canvas and Blackboard meetings that you host from.
  • Navigate to  and login with U-M Weblogin, if prompted.
  • This cannot be done from the Zoom app, Google calendar, or Outlook calendar. Note: Authentication Exceptions can only be added via the Zoom website per the instructions below.

    What is zoom authentication